
Tuesday 9 February 2016

Walk Report

B Walk Report.                  17th January 2016.           Knockanaffrin Ridge.

One of the things about leading a walk is that you have to turn up at the TSB car park, regardless of any bad weather just in case someone turns up. Most Leaders have a sixth sense and can usually judge when there will be no takers for the days walk.
How wrong can you be, a low cloud base, drizzle with a fair breeze and rain forecast for later on in the day, 12 walkers arrived eager to do battle with the elements.
Starting from the Nire car park we headed north to the Glennanore horseshoe valley and slowly climbed to about 500metres contouring around the valley to maintain our height.
Visibility was getting worse as we approached Knocksheegowna at 678metres, but we managed to find a bit of shelter on the lee side and had a quick lunch break, it was good to see 3 other walkers also braving the weather.
The plan was now to turn southwards and follow the ridge to Knockanaffrin at 755metres, on to the gap and then return to the Nire. The weather now got wet, foggy and windy but we battled on to the view point above Coumduala where we cut down the Carrigeen ridge to the car park, shortening the walk to 12 kilometres.
The walk was quite demanding but we all made it safely off the mountain and into Doocey’s bar for refreshments and a warm around the stove, well done to all.
I think it does us all good to endure bad weather every now and then to test ourselves, our equipment, and to remind us how harsh the mountain environment can be, and not to take any chances.
Safe walking


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