
Monday 2 December 2013

December Newsletter

 Important Dates for Your Diary

 8th December – the C walk will be the Turkey Trot walk in aid of Youghal Cancer Centre. It leaves from the Marine Bar in Pulla, Dungarvan, at 11am and 12pm.

21st December – Christmas party night in the Tennis Club, starting at 7.30. Tickets cost €25 each and are available from members of the Committee.

22nd December – Mulled Wine Walk in Ardmore, leaving the Park Hotel at 2pm.

 Coumshingaun Sunday 17 November – What a Walk!

 Ten walkers turned up for the B walk on Sunday 17th November , with an even gender balance. We left Kilclooney car park at 10.30 and headed towards Coumshingaun, but swung south at the corner of the wood. After a gentle climb, we meandered south for 2 km before the real ascent began. We followed a stream which took us to the highest point of the Comeraghs at 792m, Fauscoum. We then headed for the top of scenic Coumshingaun for a short lunch break.

 Firing on all cylinders again, we went on to Boola Cairn, then Crotty’s Rock for a short discussion on highwayman William Crotty (1712-’42), Then it was time to head for Kilclooney Wood again, but we had to find the most suitable place to cross the Uisce Solas stream:

 At Coumsingeán Lake, we ran into the 30-person strong group of C walkers. The walk lasted four 40 minutes, with nearly four hours spent walking the 13.5km and the 670m ascent. Leader Noel was very heartened to have such a big group to enjoy perfect walking conditions.

Noel Brennan 

B walk report.  Greenane.  27th October.

Three hardy souls gathered at 09:00 to travel to Kings Yard in the Galtys for what promised to be a day of atrocious weather.  As it turned out it wasn’t as bad as forecast, although very windy we stayed reasonably dry.

The intention was not to go to the highest points of Galtymore/Galtybeg but to go across to Greenane at 802m.  We nearly made it, but time and wind was against us, so we had lunch at the cairn in the col and headed back.

The highlights of the walk included the ruins of old farm houses above the Attychraan river valley, the water falls where three rivers meet in-between Knockeenatoung and Knockduff, a tranquil spot overlooked by Galtymore. We also located the memorial stone for the air crash located just off the locally known Black Road.

Richard Dykes

 Thursday Walk, 21st November

The Thursday walkers took to the hills north of Mount Stuart on 21st November, for an enjoyable two-hour walk led by John Browne. As is their wont, they enjoyed a sumptuous tea in the yard of Mount Stuart Church. The walk was cut short due to the dark winter evenings, but was a relaxing ramble through Coillte forests. Information kindly supplied by Elizabeth Twohig.
Thanks to all for their walk reports. If you’ve got a walk report or photos, please send it to


B & C Walkers at Coumshingaun. 21st November

21st November Thursday Walk
Mount Stewart


Wednesday 30 October 2013

November Newsletter

Hillwalking Newsletter


Turkish Holiday Adventure by Marie Jennings.


Marie Jennings earned herself some fame with her account of the club’s Turkish holiday. Here’s an abridged account of Marie’s tale.


Our first week was spent in Cappadocia, an area in central Anatolia, best known for its unique moon-like landscape, underground cities, caves dwellings and churches carved into the rock.  It a sight to behold, and almost seemed like an otherworldly experience. We stayed for a week in the town of Gerome, in a wonderful Cave hotel perched atop Aydinili hill. 


We visited churches with wonderful painted decoration, the Alhara valley with its hot springs and Pigeon Valley, which earned its name from the hundreds of pigeons that have made their home in the rocks. Flying over the valleys in a hot air balloon was a particular delight for six of the walkers.


Our second week was spent in the resort town of Kusadasi on the Aegean coast. We visited Ephesus, an ancient Greek city and former major Roman city. We also visited the House of the Virgin Mary, where the Mary is believed to have waited for her assumption into Heaven. We also enjoyed nightly cuutlra events, including performances by belly dancers and whirling dervishes. This was a very successful holiday, thanks to the extensive research and brilliant organisation of Mary and Tom.


Club Goes on Turkey Trot for Charity


Dungarvan Hillwalking Club will be lending its support to the 5th Annual Paddy Joe Curran Memorial Turkey Trot in aid of Youghal Cancer Support Group on Sunday 8th December. This enjoyable four mile walk in Old Parish will leave the Marine Pub in Pulla, Dungarvan, at 11am on Sunday 8th December. For the more adventurous, there will be a five-mile run starting at 12pm. When the walk is over, there will be refreshments at the Marine Pub. This walk will act as our C walk on 8th December. Entry is €7, or you can give a donation.


Christmas Party Tickets On Sale


Preparations for the club’s Christmas party are now well underway. Causeway Tennis club is the place to be on Saturday 21st December. The fun will start at 7.30pm and there will be delicious food served by the good people at Robbie’s Catering from 8pm. After that, there will be musical entertainments of various kinds. Tickets are €25 and are on sale from members of the committee. You must book a ticket to be admitted to the Christmas party.


Mulled Wine Walk


What better way to clear your head after the Christmas party than with the annual Mulled Wine and Mince Pie walk in Ardmore on Sunday 22nd December. As always, proceeds from the walk will be donated to the Lion’s Club. The walk will start at 2pm in the main carpark and will follow a route along the cliffs. After we’ve walked along the beach by torchlight, we’ll enjoy mulled wine, mince pies and various other spoils from the Great Dungarvan Bakeoff.



Sunday 13 October 2013

Message from Derbhile Graham Club PRO

Greetings, walkers.

This is your new PRO speaking. I'm writing to let you know that you can reach me for club news on If email isn't your thing, you can give me a call on 087 695 9799. The email address is also good for reaching Norman on - he's a very important man so I handle all his correspondence.

I'll be compiling the newsletter, and any news you'd like to publicise on it would be greatly welcome. I'll also be sending reports to the newspapers.
I would particularly appreciate if I could get information from the walk leaders after their walks, especially as I don't get to go out walking much myself. I would love if the leaders could supply me with pictures from the walks. Newspapers and people in general love pictures. So they're pretty essential in helping to spread the word about how much fun the club is.

If you have the time, I would also love if you could give me basic information about the walk you led, including:
1. Info about the route you took.
2. Length of your walk in hours and kilometres or miles.
3. Route you took.
4. How many came.

All I need is the basic info - I'll flower it up. And of course, if I do go on walks, which I hope to again after Christmas, I'll do the reports myself!
Many thanks for your cooperation.
Derbhile Graham

Sunday 29 September 2013

Membership Form 2013 / 2014

please click on below:
Any Problems

Monday 8 July 2013

COMERAGH CROSSING 2013 Full report

Comeragh Crossing 2013
Comeragh Crossing 2013...What a day. Words cant describe the mood of the organisers and helpers of this years Crossing. We thought we had reached the pinnacle last year but this year proved to be better again in every aspect of the day.
The day started at 4am with the road crew putting out signs on all roads into town directing people to the registration at Dungarvan soccer club and finished in the club late into the night with some music and plenty of craic. What happened in between was what hillwalking is all about. We opened the registration at 6.30am for the Challenge walkers. 42 people headed of then to Clonmel to start a tough days walking, 44k over all the high points of the Comeraghs on a very warm day that was to test these toughened hillwalkers to the limit.We were slightly dissapointed back in the club as the numbers were a littleof down on other years and we hoped this would not be the trend for the day with the other walks. We could not have been more wrong.
The walkers  for the 35k walk from Clonmel started to come before the challenge walkers were away and they just kept on coming. A fantastic turnout of 99 people headed of to Clonmel. It took 3 buses and 4 cars to get us all to the start and we began walking at 8.25am on the start of a fantastic day on the mountains. Back at the soccer club people turned up in record numbers for the rest of the walks organised for the day. First off were the Nire section. On this walk 52 people left the Nire valley on what is the 2nd section of the full walk from Clonmel. Although this is 15k shorter than the full walk it is no stroll in the park as practically all the days climbing is done from the Nire onwards, so this 20k hike is a tough day out on the hills.
Next off was  the 10k mountain walk from Caseys road. This section, which consisted of 17 people, climbs half way up Seefin and then crosses the Carraigs to the Mauma road before climbing to Cruachan and descending through the forest to Monarud. This last section from the Mauma road is done by all the hillwalkers on the day. Finally 9 people did the 12k road and track walk which goes down through the forest from the Mauma road to Monarud, then down on to N25 and back into Dungarvan soccer club.
Back on the hill the 35k walk was split into 3 groups to facilitate the different levels of fitness  but as the day went on these groups stretched out over the mountainside and anyone looking back on the days climbs were treated with the view of lines of people stretching back for miles. On a day with poor visibility the leaders and sweepers on the walk would not allow this to happen but on such a fine day they could see everyone for miles and it was just a case of following the person in front of you. It was great to see though when tough climbing was called for people stopped and waited for the slower walkers and cajoled those who were under pressure to get up the mountain.
 Hillwalkers are a rare breed and most are interested in walking for enjoyment and companionship and will stop to help others on such a tough walk. There are no medals given out at the end of a walk for those who get home first. At around 3 hours of walking we had a break in the Nire car park where the club had set up a checkpoint, plus a  tea and refreshment station.
This is great on a  tough days walking as people dont have to lug too much water around the mountain with them. We have these checkpoints and food stations at various intervals along the route of all the walks. The checkpoints are vital to keep track of walkers throughout the day and to ensure everyone gets down safely off the mountain.
As the day progressed the different walk grades would meet up and people got  to hear how others were faring on the walk. After the Nire car park the Challenge walkers went back into the``Gap`` to climb Carraig na Gower and on to Seefin via the Boola cairn, spot heights 792m,730m,744m and Coumfea. The rest of the walkers climbed the long tough Coumfea shoulder to the checkpoint on top and on to the next food station and checkpoint at Seefin.
 From here it is 11.5k to the finish with some more climbing to Coumaraglin Mountain and Cruachan. In between all the walkers were treated to a final food station at the Mauma road.
Here the Clonmel  groups met with some of the people from the 20k and 10k walks and the various groups mingled as they made their way down to the walks end at Monarud. All were then carried by bus and cars as they finished back to the soccer club and a final check in.                                                                                                              
So another Comeragh Crossing has come and gone and it was without doubt the best one in the 17 years of the event. As we always say we could not run this event without the full cooperation of club members, and indeed family and friends of members who also helped out. It takes the combined efforts of over 60 people to make sure the Crossing is a success. Whether it is leading and sweeping on the mountain, the various checkpoints, food stations, ferrying back and forth with cars or helping at the soccer club, every job is vital and the organising committee wish to thank everyone for their help on the day. You know you are doing something right when so many people come back year after year.       Well done to all.



Saturday 22 June 2013

MAGNIFICENT €726 RAISED 6th Annual Cunnigar Crossing

************MAGNIFICENT €726 RAISED***********

 Sunday 23rd June 2013
6th Annual Cunnigar Crossing in aid of Dungarvan Lions Club

1130hrs at TSB Car Park Dungarvan

Shuttle Bus From Tigh an Cheoil to Dungarvan approx €3

full details:
John Browne tele:058 42224
Peter Mangan tele: 058 41248

The club is delighted to announce that this years crossing will take place on Sunday 23rd June 2013 making it available to all grades of walkers who will have a chance to participate in this amazing feat of crossing Dungarvan harbour to the Cunnigar in lowest tide.

John Browne has checked the positions of moon, stars, low and high tides, he assures us this day is the only chance anyone will be able to cross safely within this year. We would advise from previous experience that all walkers are to wear old runners and old socks to do the crossing and bring hiking boots to change into when landed over at the Cunnigar.

From there the intention is to walk the harbour out to the Lobster beds and eventually over to Tigh an Cheoil where Sean will be ready to serve up any deserving refreshments when required.

Due to the short window of opportunity tidal wise for this walk, please can all walkers meet at the TSB carpark for 11.30pm departure, snorkels or flippers are optional on the day and choice of swimstroke will also be agreed by walk leader John the Torpedo Browne (Swim Coach).

Thursday 16 May 2013

In excess of 20,000 Euro raised DARKNESS into LIGHT Message from Ted Dipple:

Dear Members,
As you probably know already this event was an amazing success with approximately 1200 Walkers taking part and raising in excess of 20,000 euro.
We were providing the stewarding and a big thank you to all who took part.
I had more volunteers than accounted for so some members were a little disappointed.
As the numbers of Walkers greatly exceeded those anticipated it seems logical that next year all volunteer stewards should be used.
Thank you all once again.
Ted Dipple

Dear Club Members,

We have been asked to provide stewards for this Walk

Last year over €14000 was raised for this very worthwhile organisation with a tremendous turnout

If you can help and don't mind being avaliable from 0400am on the day

Please get in touch with me tele: 086 3544005 / 058 20790

The route basically follows the new track

and we need to supervise the various crossings


Ted Dipple

€500:Letter of thanks from SEMRA

South East Mountain Rescue Association
Table Quiz

A magnificent €500 euro presented to SEMRA

The Club Chairman John Neylin would like to thank Norman, Derbhile,
Billy & all Club members who helped / took part in the SEMRA Table Quiz

