
Thursday 16 May 2013

In excess of 20,000 Euro raised DARKNESS into LIGHT Message from Ted Dipple:

Dear Members,
As you probably know already this event was an amazing success with approximately 1200 Walkers taking part and raising in excess of 20,000 euro.
We were providing the stewarding and a big thank you to all who took part.
I had more volunteers than accounted for so some members were a little disappointed.
As the numbers of Walkers greatly exceeded those anticipated it seems logical that next year all volunteer stewards should be used.
Thank you all once again.
Ted Dipple

Dear Club Members,

We have been asked to provide stewards for this Walk

Last year over €14000 was raised for this very worthwhile organisation with a tremendous turnout

If you can help and don't mind being avaliable from 0400am on the day

Please get in touch with me tele: 086 3544005 / 058 20790

The route basically follows the new track

and we need to supervise the various crossings


Ted Dipple

€500:Letter of thanks from SEMRA

South East Mountain Rescue Association
Table Quiz

A magnificent €500 euro presented to SEMRA

The Club Chairman John Neylin would like to thank Norman, Derbhile,
Billy & all Club members who helped / took part in the SEMRA Table Quiz

