
Wednesday 31 August 2016

September News Letter

September Hillwalking Newsletter

T Shirts for Sale      €25     See Ann
Vacancies and job descriptions
Chairperson                          Overseeing Club Meeting. Could it be time for a female Chair person ?
Secretary                               Preparing and printing walk sheets, making notes at club and committee meetings.
Membership Secretary                    Collecting fees & updating records.
B & C Walk Coordinators               Finding leaders for weekend walks

Please consider taking on a committee position.
Walk report

SUNDAY AUGUST 7th.                              FEARBREAGA WALK.
20 enthusiastic walkers turned up, including 3 visitors (most welcome). We started from the Mauma road and headed for Carrigaline Mast. Of course this was a huge surprise to our visitors. "What on earth is that".
Photos at the standing stone were followed by lunch in the shelter of the stone circle sheltering us from the wind. But the sun shone and the views were terrific.
It takes time to get 20 bodies across wire fencing and gullies, but the “cute" ones went first and took the opportunity to lie in the long grass soaking up the sunshine..... Obviously I had total control over the group!!!
The Waterford v Kilkenny Hurling match was on the radio and as we debooted, we HAD to go to the Tudor Bar in Dungarvan to console ourselves. What's new!!!
The GAA and the DHWC are very similar-we will do it all again next week folks-same time, same venue.
Walk leader and report by Ann Mangan.

Thanks to walk leaders and those that sent in reports. Keep 'em coming.


The Club will hold its annual AGM in the Park Hotel, Dungarvan on the 4th October at 8pm. We hope to see as many of our members as possible at the meeting.
Refreshments provided.

The annual Christmas party will be in the Dungarvan Tennis Club on Saturday the 17th December. More information about it in the coming months. But save the date! This is a great fun filled night in the beautiful tennis club. So hope to see you there.


Our annual Xmas walk is on Sunday 11th December. More details later.

If you have any walk reports, news or adverts please forward them on to Marie by email at             

Friday 12 August 2016

August News Letter

August Hillwalking Newsletter

T Shirts for Sale      €25     See Ann
September Club Night

There will be no Club Night on Tuesday 6th September due to our Austrian Holiday. We will meet the previous week on Tuesday 30th August instead.


Summer BBQ          Saturday 16th July    We had a great night in Marie's house at the summer BBQ. The weather forecast was not good but on the night it was warm and pleasant. Thanks to all those who came along and helped to make it a success.

AGM                                                   Tuesday 4th October 8pm Park Hotel

Vacancies and job descriptions
Chairperson                          Overseeing Club Meeting. Could it be time for a female Chair person ?
Secretary                               Preparing and printing walk sheets, Making notes at club and committee meetings.
Membership Secretary                    Collecting fees & updating records.
B & C Walk Coordinators               Finding leaders for weekend walks

Please consider taking on a committee position.

Walk report              A whopping 24 walkers turned up for Reenie Palmer's Thursday C walk in Cutteen on 14 July. The walk was split in two, with Geoff leading 10 walkers on a scramble which involved Tarzan-like swinging out of trees. Reenie led the rest of the remaining walkers. The walk took three hours and in spite of the heavy clouds, the rain didn't come until after the cake was eaten. Best of all, there was enough cake to go round.

Xmas DinnerDate
Saturday 17th December at the Tennis Club

Comeragh Crossing.
Ríoghnach was the young girl who provided refreshments in Bohadoon South, she has been located and has been awarded a certificate and a voucher for her efforts.

If you have any walk reports, news or adverts please forward them on to Marie by email at