
Tuesday 19 December 2017

Austrian Holiday 2018. Deposit Required

A deposit of €200 is required on or before the next club night on the 2nd January 2018 to secure a place on the holiday.

A photocopy of your passport is also required.


Tony Fitzgerald  087 258 8171

Friday 1 December 2017

December Newsletter

Thursday C Walkers Walk in Glorious Mud at Fenor Lakes

On Thursday, November 2nd, Elizabeth Twohig led a gang of 17 Thursday C walkers around Fenor Lakes. It was what you might call an Indiana Jones walk, with lots of mud to squelch through and branches to climb over. There were a couple of unexpected twists and turns thrown in to keep us on our toes. We climbed up to an outcrop, which gave us stunning views of Tramore and the valley around Fenor. We then walked towards Ballyscanlon Reservoir and then took the Carrigavantry route before returning to the cars for Jaffa Cakes and brack.

Club Holiday to Austria

For next year’s international escapade, the plan is to return to Austria, but to another part called Maria Alm. The holiday will take place from 1-8 September 2018, and you fly to and from Munich, out of Dublin. There will be five guided walks on the trip. The holiday costs €759, to include flights, seven nights in a hotel with half-board, guides and transfers. If this floats your boat, contact Tony Fitzgerald on 087 2588171.

Sneem Weekend– May 2018

Closer to home, the club weekend away is in Sneem in Co. Kerry on 11 and 12 May, and we’ll be staying at the Sneem Hotel. The cost of this weekend is €149 per person, including two nights B&B and an evening meal. There’s the possibility of renting houses at €55 per house per night, but meals aren’t included. If you’d like to come on this weekend, contact Dave Byrne on 087 7971697.

Mulled Wine Walk 17 December

This year’s Mulled Wine Walk is on Sunday 17 December. It leaves the Park Hotel at 1pm, and you can also meet it in Ardmore at 1.30pm. It will be led by Richard. Erich will supply the mulled wine and Ronagh will be making mince pies. Much thanks to them, and to all involved in organising this walk. This year, proceeds from the collection after the walk will be donated to two charities, Dungarvan Lions Club and West Waterford Hospice.

A further note: the Christmas party has been cancelled for this year, but we’re optimistic it’ll be revived next year.

Walk Report: C Walk, 5 November, Coumduala Loop. Walk Leader: Ann Mangan


The C walkers enjoyed a walk of just over 7km around the Coumduala Loop in Rathgormack in classic November weather, bright and clear. The twelve walkers enjoyed stunning views and watched a farmer and his dog herd a sheep downwards. They enjoyed lunch in the shadow of wind turbines and Sliabh na mBan. Starting at the Trailhead, the walkers climbed towards Knockanaffrin Ridge and the glacier that formed Coumduala Lough. After lunch, they climbed 500m to the Gap, and then followed the Staighre trail down to the woods. The walk lasted just under 3.5 hours. Thanks to Ann Mangan for this report.

If you have a walk report or any other news you think the club members should know, please contact club PRO Derbhile Graham via

Tuesday 21 November 2017

Christmas Party

Regrettably the Christmas Party scheduled for the 16th December has been cancelled due to only 11 people showing an interest in going.

Wednesday 8 November 2017


MARIE ALM,             AUSTRIA.







Names to Tony 087 258 8171

Saturday 4 November 2017

November Newsletter & Photographs

Remembering Clare O’Neill
Dungarvan Hillwalking Club would like to pay tribute to former member Clare O’Neill, who lost her life during Storm Ophelia. Clare was a member of the club for several years and she and her daughter Rosie were regulars on our Sunday walks. Clare also led walks for the club, and took part in the club trip to Ben Nevis in 2008. She will be remembered for her warmth, kindness and empathy, and will be missed by all who knew her.

Club Decides on Charity Donations
At the recent club AGM, a proposal was put forward by Brian Wickham that proceeds from club events like the Comeragh Crossing, Cunnigar Crossing and Mulled Wine walk be split three ways. The benefitting charities will be Waterford Hospice, Dungarvan Lions’ Club and a charity of the club’s choosing. This proposal was accepted at the AGM.

Winter C Walk Schedule
At the AGM, it was also decided that the times for winter C walks (up to March) will be at the leader’s discretion. The majority of walks will be at 12pm, but if a walk has a shorter duration, the leader can decide to schedule it for 1pm. Times will be given on the walk sheets, which are available on the club website and at club meetings. If you’re on Facebook, you’ll also see the times posted up there.

Long Way Round Walk
South-East Mountain Rescue Association (SEMRA) is holding its annual walk/run in the dark to raise funds for its valuable work in Clonmel on Saturday 25th November. The HQ for this year’s walk is the Central Technical Institute at the Mall in Clonmel and you can check in between 5pm and 7pm. Walkers will leave in groups from 6.30pm onwards.

Christmas Party
It may feel a little early to mention the C word, but the club Christmas party is always an event to look forward to. It takes place on Saturday 16 December at the tennis club. There’ll be a meal, a DJ and mighty crack.

Sneem Weekend Away
Next year’s club weekend away is to Sneem, Co. Kerry on 11-12 May 2018. We’ll be staying in The Sneem Hotel and the price is €149 per person for two nights’ B&B and an evening meal. If you want to express your interest, give Dave Byrne a buzz or text on 087 7971697.

Your New Committee
Tony Fitzgerald is remaining as Chairperson, Erich is Treasurer, Linda Humphries is Secretary and Dave Byrne is Membership Officer. We have a new vice-Chairperson, John Lucey, and Derbhile Graham is taking over from Anne Dykes in the role of PRO.

If you have any walk reports or snippets of interest to members, please email them in to club PRO Derbhile Graham on


Tuesday 3 October 2017


Membership to Dungarvan hillwalking club is €40 but we have a reduced rate of €35 until 31st October.
Associate membership is €15
Forms are avialable online.

Membership Secretary

David Byrne
37 Ballyrandle Drive
County Waterford.
087 797 1697

Tuesday 26 September 2017

September Newsletter

Italian Holiday 2017
We wish all participants in this year’s holiday a great time and to bring back some happy walking memories.

Tuesday               3rd October 2017 at 20:00                         Park Hotel
Yes folks it is coming up to that time of year again. To keep the Club as one of the best we require new people to join the committee with new ideas and enthusiasm. The Jobs are not at all daunting and are capable of being done by any club member. No previous experience necessary.
We are still looking for a long list of people this year as some of the current members have served a long time and deserve a break.
Treasurer    Chair person       Vice Chair Person          B walk Coordinator  C walk Coordinator         Web site coordinator      Public relations Officer
Training Officer
Don’t be shy come forward today.                              Your club needs you.

Membership Fees
The adult membership fee of €40 remains the same for 2017 – 2018.
The early payment reduction is available for the month of October at €35
Associated membership is €10
Excellent value for an all year round walk schedule and holiday events.
There will be an opportunity to sign up at the AGM.
To assist us to deliver membership cards it is a requirement that if you are not a regular walker, that a stamped, self addressed envelope accompanies the application form and payment.
If anyone can produce a membership form in Irish, we can make it available on the website. Send it to               Thanks.

Save the date.

May 11th – 13th 2018.          Spring weekend away in Kerry. More details later.

Wednesday 5 July 2017

July News Letter

DHWC Members Summer BBQ Saturday 15th July

Cunnigar Crossing

John Browne guided over 300 souls into the water on Sunday 25th June. We crossed to the Cunnigar and over the sand banks via the oyster beds to Tig an Ceoil, where we had refreshments with musical entertainment.          This must be a record number of participants.
The Dungarvan Lions Club was very pleased with the event and the donations collected from the walkers.
The beer and the bus worked well and a great time was had by all.
Thanks to Peter and his team for another great well organised event.

Comeragh Crossing.

Done and dusted for another year.
The walking conditions on the day became quite demanding at times with low cloud and mist at times. Thankfully everyone returned off the hill safely which was the most important thing.

Total Walking numbers 187

Challenge  31     Crossing    96     Nire   40     Kilbrien      20

The first year of our on line registration went really well and it is certainly the way ahead, it makes managing entrant’s data and buses a lot easier.
The Club is indebted to the organising team for another excellent walking event especially Brian with his computerised start procedure and all the other people who played a major role in the smooth running of the event. Thanks to all the walking and checkpoint marshals and the mobile catering team. Also a special thanks to non club members for helping.

The continued support of our sponsors is also greatly appreciated.

Country Store Dungarvan.                   McGrath Newsagent,      Flahavans.           Abbeyside Eurospar.            Garvey’s Supervalue. Pat Maloney Furniture.   Dungarvan Civil Defence.       Willie Kiely.

A quote from the first challenge walker back.

“Well done to everyone at Dungarvan Hillwalking Club. Best organised walk in the country and has been since I started walking seven years ago”.

Tuesday 6 June 2017

Bloom Pictures

June News Letter


                                    The weather was mixed for the weekend but a great time was had by all. The C walk on Saturday had a premature ending due to adverse weather, but all was not lost as an earlier than planned visit to the bar took place.  The B walk pushed on through the bad rain to try and get to the top of Mweelray and after a brief stop for lunch just before the ridge, the rain stopped and visability improved so when we got to the top we had a great view of White strand and the Islands. Rain soon recommenced on the way down but our spirits were not dampened with another successful walk under our belts. Thanks to Peter for organising another great weekend away.
                 1st to 5th JUNE.                    PHOENIX PARK DUBLIN

Dungarvan Hillwalking Club features at Bloom 2017
There was a great response from the public to the beautiful postcard garden by the sea that Danny designed and constructed at this years Bloom. He was awarded 'Highly Commended ' by the judges a fantastic achievement. Congratulations and well done Danny. Thanks also to Neil for supporting and assisting in the construction.
There was a huge interest in the Cunnigar Crossing and the Comeragh Crossing  events promoted through the garden at the show.
Sunday 25th June Cunnigar Crossing
Meeting at the TSB / Supervalue car park at 13:00 sharp. (The tide waits for no one)
Refreshments at the Tig an Ceoil.                                    Return shuttle bus cost is €4.
There will be a collection for the Dungarvan Lions Club at the end of the walk

Comeragh Crossing Saturday 1st July
Online registration is now open
On line registration only for Challenge, Crossing and Nire walks.
On line and on the day registration for the Kilbrien walk.

There is a new format for the Kilbrien walk which will now start and finish at the Kilgobinet sports centre.

Everyone’s help is needed to promote the crossing, so tell and share on Facebook with all your friends and relatives, other walkers you meet and any other social media methods you can think of. Thanks.

Thursday 4 May 2017


Stenna sealink offer 10% discount to Mountaineering Ireland members.

You must have your MI number when booking. Terms & Conditions apply.

Tuesday 2 May 2017

May News Letter

Start time for Sunday C walks have reverted back to 13:00.
LEENAUN 2017                                                      Friday May 12th – Sunday 14th May

If you intend walking in Leenaun, don’t forget to do a bit of preparation, get out into the hills on one of the organised walks on a Thursday or Sunday. Don’t forget the Thursday B style walks are also great for training.      The walks in Leenaun may well be harder than you are used too!!

    1st to 5th JUNE.                    PHOENIX PARK DUBLIN

The Club is has been successful in the application for the postcard garden, the event will be used to promote the Cunnigar and the Comeragh crossings.
Danny Fletcher is coordinating and any help would be greatly appreciated.
Contact him on

Cunnigar Crossing date is Sunday 25th June 2017.
More details later

Comeragh Crossing Saturday 1st July

Online registration is now open

On line registration only for Challenge, Crossing and Nire walks.

On line and on the day registration for the Kilbrien walk.

There is a new format for the Kilbrien walk which will now start and finish at the Kilgobinet sports centre.

Everyone’s help is needed to promote the crossing, so tell and share on Facebook with all your friends and relatives, other walkers you meet and any other social media methods you can think of. Thanks.

Web site
Walk signing in sheets and all the information you need on the Comeragh Crossing is available at  
If you have walk reports, news or adverts please forward them on to Anne at

Friday 21 April 2017

Wednesday 8 March 2017

March News letter

Start time for Sunday C walks reverts back to 13:00.

The March walk sheet has a lot of different start times.                        Please check.

Our annual weekend away next year will be in the Leenaun Hotel. The proposed date is Friday May 12th / Saturday 13th at a cost of €110 per person for two nights B & B, one evening meal & 1 sandwich. One extra night is €35 (B&B) and one extra meal is €20. Single supplement is €12:50 per night.                                                    Names to Peter who is now collecting money.
If you intend walking in Leenaun, don’t forget to do a bit of preparation, get out into the hills on one of the organised walks on a Thursday or Sunday. Don’t forget the Thursday B style walks which make a very good training.  The walks in Leenaun may well be harder than you are used too !!

No walks on Thursday 16th March

Sliabh na mBan.     13:00 Start from Park Hotel.        13:40 Carrick Supervalue.

Walk signing in sheets
Do remember to sign in when doing a walk and provide a mobile telephone number.
The sheet is taken on the hill with the leader, and the number may be used to contact you, if you became separated from the group.
We allow two trial walks for non members; it is then expected they become members and be covered on Mountaineering Irelands insurance.

Comeragh Crossing will take place on Saturday 1st July 2017.
Jobs still outstanding.

Public Relations.                 Promoting event.
Catering and Sponsors.     Organising food, tea and dealing with sponsors.
Clerk of the Course.                        Putting out code boards, signs and river crossings.

Any offers ?    

On line registration only for Challenge, Crossing and Nire walks.

T Shirts for Sale      €25    

If you have walk reports, news or adverts please forward them on to Anne at

Wednesday 8 February 2017

February News letter



Scanlans yard car park, near archway to Tudor House.
This is to enable easier parking as the TSB car park is getting quite busy in the afternoon.

To allow for C walks to finish before dusk.
NEW TIME IS 12:00 (Midday)


Our annual weekend away next year will be in the Leenaun Hotel. The proposed date is Friday May 12th / Saturday 13th at a cost of €110 per person for two nights B & B, one evening meal & 1 sandwich. One extra night is €35 (B&B) and one extra meal is €20. Single supplement is €12:50 per night.  Names to Peter who is now collecting money.
If you intend walking in Leenaun, don’t forget to do a bit of preparation, get out into the hills on one of the organised walks on a Thursday or Sunday. Don’t forget the Thursday B style walks which make a very good training.  The walks may well be harder than you are used too !!


A new number for our texting service is now in operation, it will only be used for urgent communications. Please do not reply to the texts as they will not be seen.

FRIDAY 17th MARCH.        St PATRICKS DAY             Sliabh na mBan

No walks on Thursday 16th March

Signing in sheets
Do remember to sign in when doing a walk and provide a mobile telephone number.
The sheet is taken on the hill with the leader, and the number may be used to contact you, if you became separated from the group.

T Shirts for Sale      €25    

If you have walk reports, news or adverts please forward them on to Anne at

Thursday 5 January 2017

January newsletter



Scanlans yard car park, near archway to Tudor House.
This is to enable easier parking as the TSB car park is getting quite busy in the afternoon.

To allow for C walks to finish before dusk.
NEW TIME IS 12:00 (Midday)


Sunday 11th December saw a good crowd turn out for our annual Ardmore mulled wine walk. Erich excelled in the making of the brew, best ever mulled wine I have tasted. Thanks to all who brought along some refreshments, an excellent selection was at hand.
Over €360 was raised for the Dungarvan Lions club Christmas appeal and was much appreciated by the Lions.


The annual Christmas party on Saturday the 17th December was a great success with over 40 members enjoying the fun filled night with live music and excellent food.
Thanks must go to the organizing team who pulled off a great night. Well done.


Our annual weekend away next year will be in the Leenaun Hotel. The proposed date is Friday May 12th / Saturday 13th at a cost of €110 per person for two nights B & B, one evening meal & 1 sandwich. One extra night is €35 (B&B) and one extra meal is €20. Single supplement is €12:500 per night.  Names to Peter who is coordinating.


9th to 16th September 2017
It is not too late to join the holiday, if you want any further details contact   Tony on 087 258 8171.

T Shirts for Sale      €25    

If you have walk reports, news or adverts please forward them on to Anne at