
Thursday 4 May 2017


Stenna sealink offer 10% discount to Mountaineering Ireland members.

You must have your MI number when booking. Terms & Conditions apply.

Tuesday 2 May 2017

May News Letter

Start time for Sunday C walks have reverted back to 13:00.
LEENAUN 2017                                                      Friday May 12th – Sunday 14th May

If you intend walking in Leenaun, don’t forget to do a bit of preparation, get out into the hills on one of the organised walks on a Thursday or Sunday. Don’t forget the Thursday B style walks are also great for training.      The walks in Leenaun may well be harder than you are used too!!

    1st to 5th JUNE.                    PHOENIX PARK DUBLIN

The Club is has been successful in the application for the postcard garden, the event will be used to promote the Cunnigar and the Comeragh crossings.
Danny Fletcher is coordinating and any help would be greatly appreciated.
Contact him on

Cunnigar Crossing date is Sunday 25th June 2017.
More details later

Comeragh Crossing Saturday 1st July

Online registration is now open

On line registration only for Challenge, Crossing and Nire walks.

On line and on the day registration for the Kilbrien walk.

There is a new format for the Kilbrien walk which will now start and finish at the Kilgobinet sports centre.

Everyone’s help is needed to promote the crossing, so tell and share on Facebook with all your friends and relatives, other walkers you meet and any other social media methods you can think of. Thanks.

Web site
Walk signing in sheets and all the information you need on the Comeragh Crossing is available at  
If you have walk reports, news or adverts please forward them on to Anne at