
Tuesday 26 September 2017

September Newsletter

Italian Holiday 2017
We wish all participants in this year’s holiday a great time and to bring back some happy walking memories.

Tuesday               3rd October 2017 at 20:00                         Park Hotel
Yes folks it is coming up to that time of year again. To keep the Club as one of the best we require new people to join the committee with new ideas and enthusiasm. The Jobs are not at all daunting and are capable of being done by any club member. No previous experience necessary.
We are still looking for a long list of people this year as some of the current members have served a long time and deserve a break.
Treasurer    Chair person       Vice Chair Person          B walk Coordinator  C walk Coordinator         Web site coordinator      Public relations Officer
Training Officer
Don’t be shy come forward today.                              Your club needs you.

Membership Fees
The adult membership fee of €40 remains the same for 2017 – 2018.
The early payment reduction is available for the month of October at €35
Associated membership is €10
Excellent value for an all year round walk schedule and holiday events.
There will be an opportunity to sign up at the AGM.
To assist us to deliver membership cards it is a requirement that if you are not a regular walker, that a stamped, self addressed envelope accompanies the application form and payment.
If anyone can produce a membership form in Irish, we can make it available on the website. Send it to               Thanks.

Save the date.

May 11th – 13th 2018.          Spring weekend away in Kerry. More details later.