
Friday 29 June 2018

July Newsletter ... and pic

Here's your July newsletter, but before we start, feast your eyes on this pic, taken by Valentine Kenneally, who took part in the B walk last Sunday. Richard Dykes led the walkers through the Nire to Bohadoon section of the Comeragh Crossing.

And now for the newsletter.

Comeragh Crossing Entries Open

The date of our Comeragh Crossing is getting closer – it’s on Saturday 7 July. If you’re reading this newsletter before then, this is just a reminder that you can register for it on the website. We’ll have all your favourites – the Comeragh Challenge, Comeragh Crossing from Dungarvan to Clonmel, the Nire Walk and the Kilbrien Walk. The Kilbrien walk costs €20 and the other walks all cost €35. And don’t forget that part of your registration fee will go to three great charities: West Waterford Hospice, South-East Mountain Rescue and Dungarvan Lion’s Club. You can go to and click on Comeragh Crossing to register.

Cunnigar Crossing Comes Into Town

Hot on the heels of the Comeragh Crossing, you’ll have the Cunnigar Crossing walk and splash. This event has become a roaring success in recent years, thanks to the organisational skills of people like John Browne and Peter Mangan. This year, it’s a later start time of 2pm, and it will leave Garvey’s SuperValu at that time.  You can also meet the walk at the starting point of the walk, by the pitch and putt course. Once again, there’ll be refreshments in Tig an Cheoil afterwards. Buses will be available to bring you from Tig an Cheoil back to your cars at a cost of approx. €4. And like the Comeragh Crossing, this walk will raise money for the Lions Club, the Hospice and Mountain Rescue.

Club BBQ Brings a Sizzling End to July

Our final fundraising event for the three charities is the club barbecue, kindly hosted by Linda and Colm Humphreys. It’ll take place on Saturday 28 July, because the RNLI swim is the weekend before, and it’s hoped that some club members will change disciplines for that. Tickets are €5 and you can get your tickets from Linda or Colm, at the club meetings or wherever you happen to run into them. As usual, it’s bring your own meat and drink, and musical entertainment is promised on the night.

Austria Holiday

After all that July excitement, you’ll have the annual trip abroad, from 1-8 September in Austria. 28 souls have booked onto this trip, but one woman has pulled out, so if you want to avail of that place, you can contact club chairman Tony Fitzgerald. Ronagh is also endeavouring to source a bus.

If you have a walk report or any other news you think the club members should know, please contact club PRO Derbhile Graham,

Thursday 21 June 2018

A Walk in the Nire Gap 17 June 2018

The C walk on Sunday 22 June took the walkers to the Nire Gap, under the leadership of Tom Fitzgerald. Michael Daly was on hand to take pictures, and here's a selection.

Friday 8 June 2018

A Sunny Weekend of Walking

The brilliant sunshine on the June Bank Holiday weekend inspired our club photographers. Here are five of the best from Sunday 3 June. First up, we have two from Ronagh Baumann, taken on the C walk up the Vee, which was led by Patricia Hurley.

Next up, we have a choice couple from Valentine Kenneally, taken on the B walk in the Galtys, which was led by Pat Moloney. 

And finally, we have one from Lilian Comerford, who was also on the Galtys walk. 

Friday 1 June 2018

June Newsletter

June Newsletter

Comeragh Crossing Entries Open

The date of our Comeragh Crossing is getting closer – it’s on Saturday 7 July, so just a reminder that you can register for it on the website. We’ll have all your favourites – the Comeragh Challenge, Comeragh Crossing from Dungarvan to Clonmel, the Nire Walk and the Kilbrien Walk. The Kilbrien walk costs €20 and the other walks all cost €35. You can go to and click on Comeragh Crossing to register.

Comeraghs Walk 22 April, Walk Report, Patricia Hurley.

Nine walkers took part in Bernie Rush’s walk to the Comeraghs on Sunday 22 April. The walkers set off from the Mauma Road and walked to the Standing Stone and back. The walk took two hours in total.

Sneem Weekend – May 2018

From 11-13 May, 44 club members descended on Sneem, Co. Kerry, for a feast of walking. On Friday, the early starters did a 7-8km looped walk. On Saturday, the B and C walkers both set off at 10am. The B walk was a 15km walk called The Four Peaks, and lasted for six hours. The C walk was a linear walk along the Kerry Way, lasting four hours. On Sunday, those who had energy did a walk in Derrynane. Despite dire forecasts, the weather gods smiled on us all weekend.

Thanks to Dave Byrne for organising the weekend, Erich for organising the payments and Patrick Murray and Richard Dykes. for leading the C and B walks. After the walks, there was entertainment to suit all tastes, with a rugby match for the sports fans, and the Eurovision for those who love musical cheese. And also thanks to the Sneem Hotel for excellent hospitality and a delicious meal on the Saturday night.

July Walking Bonanza

July is packed with walking events. As well as the Comeragh Crossing on 7 July, you’ll have the Cunnigar Crossing on Sunday 15 July and the club barbecue on Saturday 28 July, hosted by Linda and Colm Humphries. All three of these events are raising funds for Dungarvan Lions Club, West Waterford Hospice and South-East Mountain Rescue, so let’s all give our support in any way you can. Just a note that the Cunnigar Crossing leaves at the later time of 2pm – we’ll have more about it in the next newsletter.

If you have a walk report or any other news you think the club members should know, please contact club PRO Derbhile Graham,