
Monday 3 March 2014

March News Letter

Dungarvan Hillwalking Club March Newsletter
Dogs Night

The annual Dogs’ Night will take place on Saturday 15th March at Kilcohan Greyhound Stadium in Waterford City. It’s a bargain at €17 for the entrance fee and a three-course dinner, and if you win on the dogs, the night might pay for itself.. Afterwards, there’ll be a sing song in an as yet, unnamed hostelry.  

Healthy Sum Raised for SEMRA
Given the horrific weather and the fact that we were unable to hold our club meeting on February 4th, to spread the word, a very respectable €205 was raised for SEMRA at the Valentine’s Day Table Quiz in the Soccer Club. Richard Dykes, representing SEMRA, thanked the club for their efforts.  

Eight teams competed for glory and Erich Baumann’s team completed a Valentine’s Day Massacre to grab first place. A few nails where bitten when two more teams slugged it out for second place. Well done to the Smurfs and the Tasmanians, who took second and third place respectively. The club is going to make its own donation and with the club donation and the quiz proceeds, SEMRA will receive €500.

Walk Report from Derbhile Graham, Portlaw Woods, 16th February, C Walk

A rather violent shower of rain failed to dampen the spirits of the 16 walkers who set out for Portlaw Woods under the leadership of Norman Graham. He set a little obstacle course for the walkers as they clambered over fallen trees. Mercifully there were only a couple of those, but the walkers showed great agility in negotiating them. The walkers took a loop around the woods, culminating in a climb to the cross, where they surveyed the sodden landscape. After that first shower, the weather stayed dry and the sun even made the occasional appearance. The walk took a little over three hours.

1st April Deadline for Leenane 

There’s a healthy interest building for the Leenane trip, so if you’re interested in going, you need to have booked with Richard Dykes and paid by April 1st. You can contact him by phone on 086 2411287 and by email on It’s €99 for two nights, €144 for three nights and €189 for four nights, with a €10 single supplement.  

If you’ve got a walk report or a piece of news you think the club should be aware of, please send it to

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