
Thursday 9 June 2016

June News Letter

Cunnigar Crossing.           The  weather was great for the 190 people who took to the murky depths to cross to the Cunnigar. Thanks to Peter, Ann and John for making it a great success.

T Shirts for Sale      €25     See Ann

Comeragh Crossing                             Saturday 2nd July

Summer BBQ                                       Saturday 16th July

Austrian Holiday          We now have a coach booked for the return trip to Dublin Airport.
                                    Cost €35 per person return. Collecting money from now.

AGM                                                     Tuesday 4th October 8pm Park Hotel
Please consider taking on a committee position as some key members are standing down.

Comeragh Crossing Job Vacancies
  • Marshal For 792 Mountain          Walk Marshals for all walks        Check point officials.

Walk Report                       Sunday 15th May                Melleray
There was a large troop of scouts spending the weekend in Melleray when we arrived and the weather was perfect. The group consisted of 10 club members and 2 visitors.
We made our way through the farm and up to the turn off for Melleray cross, then followed the forest road to the edge of the forest and continued out on to Dyrick. We took our break at the summit and admired the stunning views. Knockmealdown Mountains  and as far as Crohaun was cloud free. The Galtees, River Blackwater all the way down to Dungarvan Harbour and Helvick Head looked like a picture postcard in the bright sunshine. There was general agreement that there was great enjoyment to be had on the walks and trails of the Comeraghs and Knockmealdowns, the fact that the day was bright and sunny was a bonus. We eventually left Dyrick and made our way back to the carpark in Melleray along the same route, the walk took 3 hours, and there was a stop at the Cat’s on the way back to Dungarvan.

If you have any walk reports, news or adverts please forward them on to Marie by email at

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