This is is the Dungarvan Hillwalking Club Christmas walk list, 23-30 December. If you have any questions, visit the Walks session of this site for details of the leaders.
Sunday 23 December
B Walk: Leaders' Choice. If anyone wants to go on a B walk, come along to Scanlon's Yard Carpark in Dungarvan just before 10am. The group will then decide where they will go and who the leaders will be.
C Walk: Portlaw with Norman Graham. Leaving at 12pm, from Scanlon's Yard.
B Walk: Leaders' Choice. If anyone wants to go on a B walk, come along to Scanlon's Yard Carpark in Dungarvan just before 10am. The group will then decide where they will go and who the leaders will be.
C Walk: Portlaw with Norman Graham. Leaving at 12pm, from Scanlon's Yard.
Thursday 27 December
Walk Off the Pudding Walk. This is a joint Thursday Bs and C walk to Kilrossanty with Geoffrey Palmer. This walk leaves the Park Hotel at 1.30pm.
Walk Off the Pudding Walk. This is a joint Thursday Bs and C walk to Kilrossanty with Geoffrey Palmer. This walk leaves the Park Hotel at 1.30pm.
Sunday 30 December
B Walk: Leaders' Choice. The group will decide where to go and who will lead. It leaves Scanlon's Yard at 10am.
C walk: Cruachan Paorach with Ronagh Baumann. This walk leaves Scanlon's Yard at 12.
B Walk: Leaders' Choice. The group will decide where to go and who will lead. It leaves Scanlon's Yard at 10am.
C walk: Cruachan Paorach with Ronagh Baumann. This walk leaves Scanlon's Yard at 12.
We wish all our members and those who supported our club a wonderful Christmas and a happy and prosperous new year.